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Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Technical Tuesday 8: Getting inspiration

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9
It's common for people to see a mechanic in a game and think that it would make a good addition to their game. For me, I love the original Deus Ex's mechanics of augment slots that you could choose how to fill depending on your playing style.

But we need to be careful not to just steal an idea. RPG Maker blog has a post on this topic:

Don’t rip things off. Examine, adapt, create, and make it your own. Your mechanic should play and feel different. And never, ever forget the giants whose shoulders you are standing on.

It reminds me of the article about Game Choices a couple of weeks ago actually.

Anyway, back to Deus Ex. My game world (simple fantasy RPG) can't exactly use augments, but instead I am hoping to capture the feel by giving each playable character a skill that you can level up with experience points based on how you like to play. Quick, light attacks? Strong, slower attacks? Status effects? Your choice!

What game has a mechanic that you personally love and would use in your own game (if you are making one)? How are you changing it to match your game world?

Friday, 27 October 2017

Freebie Friday 8: VX Ace pictures again... again

One more picture lot...

Terms of Use:
  • (C) Enterbrain
  • Free for use in RPG Maker VX Ace, or in other RPG Maker versions provided you own RPG Maker VX Ace as well, for both non-commercial and commercial. 
  • Please don't redistribute or claim edits as your own.
  • Credit not required when using in a game, but appreciated (Sarah_yt)


Thursday, 26 October 2017

Check Out This, Thursday 5: Ayene-chan


Who doesn't like food? And variety in food!

I think the types of food and things that characters have in their house can add that little-something to their depth.

The next artist feature is Ayene-chan from Deviant Art, and her VX Ace edits. I particularly love her food crate and sack edits.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

World Building Wednesday 8: Lori and Keet

Time for my favourite twins <3

This is Lori (female) and Keet (male).

This character concept (below) is a bit old as they were originally going to be playable fighters, but as the story grew they have instead become part of the royal family (hence the crowns in the above sprites) and non-playable. 

These two are based on the rainbow lorikeet, hence their very colourful wings and red eyes. I made these two twins as there is normally little difference between male and female lorikeets, and you often see them in pairs (to be fair, the pairs are mating pairs not siblings, but I took some creative licence).

By Tatiana Gerus - originally posted to Flickr as Lorikeet's wings, CC BY 2.0,

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Technical Tuesday 7: bring your brain to your mapping!

Mapping! Love it or hate it...

Personally, I love it. Putting in little details to make a map feel like a lived-in world.

Although I picked up most of my mapping experience by just playing around, I have found this article on RPG Maker blog to be useful for a theoretical framework:

If you have a map that’s mostly made from negative space (i.e. low detail), the player’s eye will immediately go to any object. Likewise, if you have a map that’s mostly filled with positive space (i.e. high detail), the player’s eye will go to the empty area.
The most useful practical application of positive and negative space is to guide the player. If there’s something you really want the player to investigate, surround it by negative space. It will stand out much better. On the other hand, surrounding your road with trees or other high details will make it easier to notice and follow. (emphasis added)
That last point in particular is how I approach my wood maps. I think I could improve with city maps though!

Do you have any examples of good or terrible maps? Feel free to share!

Friday, 20 October 2017

Freebie Friday 7: VX Ace pictures again

Another lot! I've got two more in the mix and then I think I'm thoroughly pictured-out. Looking forward to branching out into other types of edits.


Terms of Use:
  • (C) Enterbrain
  • Free for use in RPG Maker VX Ace, or in other RPG Maker versions provided you own RPG Maker VX Ace as well, for both non-commercial and commercial. 
  • Please don't redistribute or claim edits as your own.
  • Credit not required when using in a game, but appreciated (Sarah_yt)


Thursday, 19 October 2017

Check Out This, Thursday 4: PandaMaru again :)

Ok, time for some more PandaMaru art!

I always love collecting more plant/flower/outdoors tilesets. This is one of my favourite of PandaMaru's - his/her(?) autumn set.

Some people have commented on my previous screenshots pointing out they love the sunflowers. Well, here is where they are from!

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

World Building Wednesday 7: Ren

Time to introduce the main character!

This is Ren. He's a half-blood (hence why his wings are not full sized). Ren will have middle-level  stats and will be the most customisable of the playable characters.

Ren is inspired by... wait for it... the wren. I do love those little birds <3 actually my favourite is the Superb Fairy Wren (pictured below), but I didn't want the main character to have blue hair >3>

By JJ Harrison ( - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Technical Tuesday 6: Autotiles

It's no secret that I love Celianna's tiles (Ancient Dungeons base / jungle / winter especially).

She has helpfully uploaded some tutorials on how she goes about making tiles, including autotiles! Check it out:

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Screenshot Saturday 6: Royal boudoir

I've been having fun designing rooms for the palace ^_^

The fireplace is actually animated, making it feel nice and cozy.

As for how the script is going...


keep on keeping on!

Friday, 13 October 2017

Freebie Friday 6: VX Ace pictures

Time for some VXAce picture love!

I love the scenes and battlebacks from VX Ace - and those title shots. My favourites of these pictures are the first ones in the third and fifth row.

What types of pictures do you like to use in your game?


Terms of Use:
  • (C) Enterbrain
  • Free for use in RPG Maker VX Ace, or in other RPG Maker versions provided you own RPG Maker VX Ace as well, for both non-commercial and commercial. 
  • Please don't redistribute or claim edits as your own.
  • Credit not required when using in a game, but appreciated (Sarah_yt)


Thursday, 12 October 2017

Check Out This, Thursday 3: Epic-Soldier

The next artist, Epic-Soldier, isn't what you'd think of as an RPG Maker artist, but her commissions are so beautiful. They would make great character art, methinks.

Anyway, she has a set of free crystal icons ^_^

Check her out!

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

World Building Wednesday 6: Yesha

This week's world-building spotlight is on an NPC, Yesha.

Yesha is actually based on a cat I used to own - a beautiful ragdoll who unfortunately passed away before he turned two (rare incurable disease called FIP). At the time I took to drawing him as a way of coping with my grief and, given my developing characters based on animals previously, it just seemed to make sense to draw him as a person too.

He somehow managed to worm his way into the story and the rest is history.

He is 9 years old, very friendly and playful. Although he is an NPC, he will be paired with another character that will be playable so expect to see him a fair amount in the story. 

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Technical Tuesday 5: KISS

Another article from the RPG Maker Blog!

This quote from the very beginning summarises it perfectly.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
 Antoine de Saint-Exupery French writer (1900 – 1944)

;___; alas, so easy to write - much harder to apply. Something I find that helps is to brain dump and then go back and cull. Cutting away parts is painful, but the end result will be worth it!

Just recently I cut out an entire town from my story as it added too much time without contributing the gameplay. The important story element from that town I was able to tie up in a different scene.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Must-Do Monday 5: Keep on writing

This week I really need to focus on writing again. I am very much looking forward to when the script is all done - it's taking much longer than I thought as my writing habits aren't the best.

NaNoWriMo is coming up though, so I'm thinking of joining that for the first time.

Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? Any tips or fun stories to share? ^_^

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Screenshot Saturday 5: design documents

Lately I have been focusing on documenting various aspects of the game, inspired by this book:

God willing, if I ever release this game, this document could easily turn into the official guide with strategies and things :)

Here are some screenshots:
'Beat chart'

Crafting items 



Friday, 6 October 2017

Freebie Friday 5: MV 'homely inside'

Time for some MV love!

Similar to the VXA Inside edits, this one is tweaked to be more consistent with what you'd find in a normal house (i.e. I replaced the thrones/pillars/etc with more pictures, furniture, etc).

Terms of Use:
  • (C) Enterbrain
  • Free for use in RPG Maker MV, or in other RPG Maker versions provided you own RPG Maker MV as well, for both non-commercial and commercial. 
  • Please don't redistribute or claim edits as your own.
  • Credit not required when using in a game, but appreciated (Sarah_yt)

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Check Out This, Thursday 2: Spritemight

I first found Spritemight through her free panoramas.

I rediscovered her through her beautiful bottle icons. Those bottom left two are so beautiful <3

Check out her work!

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

World Building Wednesday 5: Converting character concepts into sprite art

The past three weeks I've shared character concept art for three of the seven playable characters - Bimbi, James and Wedge.

I thought this week it would be fun to have a sneak peek at the sprites that the concept art inspired!

I'm using the 'MACK / Looseleaf' style rather than the standard VX Ace or MV style as I prefer the proportions - more realistic and yet still rather cute and anime-esque.

I use the Game Character Hub (GCH) to make my sprites as it has a large number of clothing items that you can add easily to the character. GCH has a bit of a bad reputation (as per this review) but for my purposes it's ok. The feature I like is a little window in the corner that shows what the sprite looks like walking in all four directions (up/down/left/right).

Anyway, without much further ado, here's Bimbi, James and Wedge.

You may NOT use or share these sprites.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Technical Tuesday 4: event triggers

I wanted to share this tutorial by AvalonMelody ( on event triggers in RPG Maker.

This would have been a handy tutorial when I first started out ;____; hopefully it saves someone else the pain!

(as it's quite a large picture, I haven't directly linked it. You can read it at the above link).

Monday, 2 October 2017

Must-Do Monday 4: Create a list of maps needed

Must Do Monday! Time to once again outline goals for the week.

Since I've gotten a bit more of the way into the script, this week I would like to start a list of maps needed so far.

I'm hoping, God willing, to include things like:
- atmosphere
- types of enemies
- expected events (probably won't share that with you though ;) )

Can you think of anything else that would be good to include in a list like this?